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지문에 따르면, 사라 톰슨이 만난 낯선 사람은 그녀의 노력에 대해 어떤 반응을 보였는가?

Sarah Thompson, an efficient environmentalist, established a foundation to assist wildlife affected by natural disasters. During a terrific storm, she encountered a stranger who criticized her efforts, claiming they were limited in scope and unlikely to create a revolution in wildlife protection. Sarah, feeling embarrassed but determined, tried to convince the critic by explaining her moral obligation to help every creature in need. She remarked on the importance of healing the environment, even if the change was gradual. The tide of opinion in her community eventually turned in her favor as she obtained more support. Sarah's dedication interrupted the cycle of criticism and proved that reasonable efforts, no matter how small, could indeed make a difference.

① 그녀의 노력에 동참하고 싶어 했다.

② 그녀의 도덕적 의무에 대해 의문을 제기했다.

③ 그녀의 노력이 범위가 제한적이라고 비판했다.

④ 그녀의 재단이 야생동물에 효과적이지 않다고 주장했다.

⑤ 그녀의 환경 치유 방법을 전적으로 지지했다.

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