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이 글에 따르면, "레저의 오아시스" 프로젝트의 건설 지연의 주된 원인은 무엇인가?

In an urban community, a slight delay in the construction of a new leisure center caused a stir among the residents. The project, entitled "The Oasis of Leisure," was supposed to include a state-of-the-art gym with the latest muscle-building devices. However, a previous agreement to borrow funds for construction had been delayed due to ethical concerns raised by a few residents. These residents filed a complaint, revealing that the company contracted to produce the gym equipment owed substantial debts to other clients. This instant reveal led to a significant holdup. Despite the inconvenience, most members of the community admitted that ensuring ethical practices in urban development was crucial. As a witness to the events, local journalist Maria documented the situation in her articles, highlighting the importance of ethics in business dealings. The delay remained a topic of discussion, but it also served as a reminder that in the pursuit of progress, certain standards must not be compromised.

① 체육관 장비의 최신 기술 개발이 늦어진 것

② 자금 대출에 대한 이전의 합의가 윤리적 우려로 인해 지연된 것

③ 주민들이 새 여가 센터에 대해 불만을 가진 것

④ 현지 기자 마리아의 기사가 상황을 악화시킨 것

⑤ 커뮤니티 구성원들이 프로젝트의 필요성을 인정하지 않은 것

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