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다음 글에서 '중력 스윙' 개념의 주요 목적은 무엇인가?

In a recent military strategy meeting, the concept of 'gravity swing' was introduced. This involved using the Earth's gravity to enhance the mobility and speed of military aircraft. The logic behind this innovative concept was to conserve fuel while expanding the aircraft's operational range. To test its practicality, the military decided to hire a team of sensible engineers who could commit to this project with genuine enthusiasm. The first test flight was set for a remote destination to ensure isolation from public scrutiny. As the aircraft swung close to the Earth, leveraging gravity, its speed increased significantly. This evolution in military aviation not only promised to change the status quo but also opened new doors for space exploration. However, it raised concerns about the reproduction of such technology by competing nations, potentially escalating global tensions.

① 군사용 항공기의 이동성과 속도를 향상시키기 위해서

② 새로운 우주 탐사 방법을 모색하기 위해서

③ 항공기의 작전 범위를 확장하면서 연료를 보존하기 위해서

④ 국제적인 경쟁을 유발하기 위해서

⑤ 공개적인 감시로부터 항공기를 보호하기 위해서

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