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다음 글에서 연례 축제에 대한 갈등 해결을 위해 중재자가 제안한 방안은 무엇인가?

In a remote village practicing mature democracy, the annual festival aimed at demonstrating universal values like freedom and faith. However, this year, the event faced desperate opposition from a legal group, eager to awake the public to certain overlooked issues. The group argued that while the festival was brilliant in celebrating democratic principles, it often offended the sensibilities of some companions in the community. To resolve the conflict, a brilliant mediator proposed a transfer of the festival's location to a neutral surface, ensuring no one felt trapped or excluded. This suggestion was met with enthusiasm, as it spared the festival from cancellation and upheld the spirit of inclusivity and respect. The mediator's role was pivotal in keeping the tradition alive while opposing factions reconciled their differences, demonstrating that even in democracy, consensus and compromise are essential.

① 행사의 주제를 자유와 신념으로 변경하기

② 축제 장소를 중립적인 표면으로 옮기기

③ 법률 단체의 요구를 충족시키는 새로운 축제 계획 세우기

④ 커뮤니티 내 반대파와의 협상을 시작하기

⑤ 행사의 전통적인 요소를 보존하기 위한 캠페인 시작하기

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