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다음 글에서 학생이 만든 이야기의 주된 주제는 무엇인가?

In a fiction writing class, students were assigned the task of creating a story about a royal family that thrives despite facing numerous challenges. One student, known for her generous imagination, crafted a tale where the family's mindset enabled them to regulate their discipline and avoid ruin. The plot revolved around a scarce resource that the kingdom depended on, which an evil force sought to control. To insure the kingdom's future, the youngest prince bet everything on a daring plan involving a secret surgery. This plan not only saved the kingdom but also taught the royal family the ultimate value of unity and the power of a disciplined mind. Afterward, the story was praised for its intricate plot and the way it demonstrated how scarcity can lead to ingenuity and prosperity. The class concluded with a discussion on the utility of fiction in shaping mindsets and influencing real-world issues.

① 왕족의 파멸과 그 원인

② 사악한 세력에 맞서는 왕족의 투쟁

③ 희귀한 자원에 대한 왕국의 의존성

④ 단결과 훈련된 마음의 중요성

⑤ 부족함을 극복하는 창의성과 번영

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