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다음 글에서 국제 학자들의 회의에서 발생한 문제와 그 해결 방법은 무엇인가?

At an international scholars' conference, a renowned intellect proposed an unusual dining experience: a meal inspired by various cultures, aiming to break down barriers and literally spice up conversations. The menu was designed to tempt the palate and inspire discussions about global cuisines. However, the plan hit a snag when a document surfaced, revealing that certain spices were prohibited in some countries, potentially offending visiting scholars. To avoid any diplomatic incidents, the organizers quickly revised the menu, ensuring that all dishes were appropriate and respectful of cultural differences. This event, while initially seeming like a potential wreck, turned into a triumph of understanding and tolerance. It illustrated how food can be a universal language, bringing people together and bridging gaps, even among those who may initially appear as alien to each other.

① 여러 문화의 영감을 받은 식사 제안 - 메뉴를 다양화하여 해결

② 일부 향신료가 몇몇 국가에서 금지된 문제 - 메뉴를 수정하여 해결

③ 외국 학자들이 방문하는 것에 대한 우려 - 문화적 차이를 존중하는 방안 마련

④ 대화에 향신료를 더하는 것에 대한 이견 - 향신료 사용을 제한

⑤ 식사 경험을 통한 장벽 허무는 시도 - 국제적인 요리 경연대회 개최

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