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다음 글에서 토론의 주요 초점은 무엇인가?

In a city where earthquakes are a common occurrence, inhabitants have learned to adapt. A debate was organized to address the community's preparedness and to ensure that everyone was informed about safety measures. One speaker, a modest but knowledgeable expert, compared the city's current earthquake readiness to past experiences. She highlighted that, contrary to popular belief, newer buildings were not always safer. The key trait of safer structures was not their age but how they were built and supervised. Another speaker, an engineer, discussed the virtual technologies used to simulate earthquakes, helping architects and engineers design buildings that can conquer the challenges posed by such natural disasters. The debate concluded with a unanimous agreement on the necessity of continuous learning and upgrading safety standards to protect all who inhabit the city.

① 새로운 건물의 안전성 문제

② 가상 기술을 이용한 건축 설계

③ 지진에 대한 커뮤니티의 준비 상태와 안전 조치

④ 지진 대비를 위한 연속적인 학습의 중요성

⑤ 과거 지진 경험과 현재의 대비 상태 비교

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