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다음 글에서 대리점이 가뭄 대응을 위해 조직한 행사의 주요 목적은 무엇인가?

During a harsh drought, an agency specializing in nutrition launched a campaign to nurture awareness about the importance of water conservation. This extraordinary initiative was not just an attack on water wastage but also a contract with the community to promote sustainable practices. The agency imposed strict criteria for water usage, but nevertheless, they faced criticism for their seemingly harsh measures. In response, they organized an elegant event showcasing artworks that highlighted the consequences of greed and ignorance towards natural resources. Among these was a masterpiece by a local artist, depicting a priest offering prayers for rain. This piece not only registered the plight of those affected by the drought but also sealed the agency's commitment to helping communities understand and overcome environmental challenges. The event proved to be a powerful tool in combating prejudice against conservation efforts and was praised for its ability to inspire change in people's attitudes.

① 엄격한 물 사용 기준 부과

② 지역 예술가의 명작 전시

③ 가뭄으로 인한 고통의 기록

④ 물 보존에 대한 인식 증진

⑤ 지속 가능한 관행 촉진을 위한 커뮤니티와의 계약

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