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다음 글에서 북극 협의회 회의의 주요 논의 주제는 무엇인가?

At an Arctic Council meeting, a sensitive issue arose about the impact of climate change on adolescent wildlife. One delegate captured the general mood by saying, "To deny the effect is to deprive these creatures of a chance to survive." The discussion turned to routine activities that interfere with animal habitats, like oil spills and glare from human settlements. It was a tragic realization that temporary solutions were no longer sufficient. The council proposed eliminating certain practices and adopting more conscious efforts to protect the Arctic environment. This decision was not usual, as it involved significant changes to how industries operate in the region. Nevertheless, the consensus was that such measures were necessary to ensure the survival of not only adolescent wildlife but the Arctic ecosystem as a whole.

① 기후 변화가 청소년 야생동물에 미치는 영향

② 석유 유출과 같은 일상적인 활동의 위험성

③ 북극 생태계를 보호하기 위한 일시적인 해결책

④ 인간 정착지에서 발생하는 눈부신 빛의 문제

⑤ 북극 환경에 대한 산업의 운영 방식 변경

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