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다음 글에서 과학자 팀이 개발한 새로운 보호 장비의 특징은 무엇인가?

In a world where infection from widespread germs had become a drastic threat, a team of scientists worked tirelessly to progress towards a solution. They realized that traditional methods were fading in effectiveness and decided to enrich their approach with cutting-edge technology. By adjusting the atomic structure of certain materials, they developed a new type of protective gear. This gear was not only lightweight and flexible but also capable of stiffening upon contact with specific germs, providing enhanced protection to its wearer. The scientists' peers, initially skeptical, were amazed at the results. This innovation served as a powerful weapon against the infection, reinforcing the importance of continuous research and renewal in the field of science. The team's success demonstrated that even the most daunting challenges could be overcome with creativity and determination.

① 가볍고 유연하며 특정 세균과 접촉 시 굳어지는 기능

② 전통적인 방법을 강화한 구조

③ 세균으로 인한 감염에 대한 완벽한 면역

④ 최첨단 기술을 활용한 감염 치료법

⑤ 세균의 원자 구조를 조정하는 능력

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