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다음 글에서 알렉산드라 터너가 마주한 주요 장애물은 무엇인가?

Alexandra Turner, a renowned historian, embarked on an investigation to uncover the origins of her ancestor's mysterious circular sphere, a family heirloom rumored to constitute a map of ancient trade routes. Despite the chilly reception from skeptics, her determination was fierce as she crawled through congested archives and scratched the surface of vague historical records. In her quest, she discovered that the sphere was a tool for barter among seafaring merchants, facilitating trade beyond rough seas. This revelation was not without obstacles; Alexandra had to confront disbelief and editorial criticism, yet she remained content with her groundbreaking findings. Her work not only shed light on her family's past but also redefined the understanding of early global trade flows.

① 가족 유산의 상속

② 기록 보관소의 혼잡

③ 조상의 당뇨병 역사

④ 불신과 비판

⑤ 고대 무역 경로의 재구성

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