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다음 글에서 헬렌 리버스 박사가 직면한 주요 문제는 무엇인가?

In the world of astronomy, Dr. Helen Rivers was known for her research on copper-colored celestial bodies in orbit. At a major conference, she presented her findings, which were a coincidence of both eternal curiosity and meticulous work. However, her colleague, driven by vicious envy, accused her of data manipulation. Helen's merit in the field, cherished by many, seemed to dwindle as doubts overwhelmed her. Despite the shrinking support, Helen transmitted a detailed rebuttal, enhancing her argument with new evidence. At the reception, she shrugged off the accusations, her majesty in scientific integrity intact. This incident, rather than discarding her reputation, intimately connected her with the global scientific community, reinforcing her standing as a respected figure.

① 구리빛 천체 연구의 복잡성

② 회의에서의 발표 준비

③ 동료의 악의적인 고발

④ 과학적 데이터의 조작

⑤ 글로벌 과학 커뮤니티와의 연결 부족

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