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다음 글에서 엠마 필딩 박사의 주요 활동은 무엇인가?

In the small village of Eldoria, Dr. Emma Fielding was known for her radical approach to coping with famine. She believed in the bond of community and persistently worked to devise a procedure to make raw food resources more accessible. Emma depicted the angle of her strategy as a subtle blend of caution and innovation. To reverse the dire situation, she introduced a string of immune-boosting pills made from local ingredients, while also arranging small loans for farmers to buy superior seeds. Her therapy for the village was not just medical but also social, fostering an obedient attitude towards sustainable farming practices. Her efforts not only alleviated the famine but also strengthened the community's resilience, proving that a subtle approach can have a profound impact.

① 지역사회에 대한 의료 지원

② 급진적인 농업 기술 개발

③ 기아 해결을 위한 절차 고안

④ 소액 대출 프로그램 운영

⑤ 지속 가능한 농업 관행 교육

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