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다음 글에서 에밀리 도슨 교수의 주된 업적은 무엇인가?

Professor Emily Dawson, a renowned educator, faced a crucial challenge when she was tasked with revising the curriculum at a prestigious university. Her assessment focused on creating a complete, context-sensitive program that could adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the modern world. She astounded the academic community by dominating traditional methods with innovative approaches, like integrating technology into learning. In a brochure highlighting the new curriculum, Emily emphasized the importance of embracing diversity in education and rejecting any form of intellectual paralysis. However, her changes were not without controversy; some faculty members frowned upon her forceful dictation of the curriculum, complaining it was too radical. Despite these challenges, Emily’s efforts gained widespread recognition, turning the university into a nest for future leaders. Her vision went beyond mere academic gain, sewing the seeds of creativity and critical thinking in her students, preparing them to race into a dynamic future.

① 교육 과정 개정

② 학계의 혁신적인 접근

③ 교육의 다양성 강조

④ 지적 마비 거부

⑤ 미래 지도자 양성

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