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다음 글에서 사라 제닝스 박사의 주요 활동은 무엇인가?

In the small town of Elmwood, psychologist Dr. Sarah Jennings focused on helping children from foster backgrounds. She observed that many suffered breakdowns due to abuse and neglect. Sarah believed in the power of positive attributes, fostering self-esteem and resilience. She organized a community project, "Sprout & Grow," where children could carve their hopes into tin plates, transforming their aggressive energy into creative output. The project was a blueprint for healing, witnessing sprouts of confidence in the children. However, when a bystander criticized the initiative as a mere disguise for deeper issues, Sarah postponed her response, choosing instead to let the cheerful faces of the children speak for themselves. Her approach was like a sermon on the power of nurturing care over criticism. The transformation in Elmwood was not a cure for all, but it planted seeds of hope and growth in a community that needed it most.

① 어린이들의 자존감과 회복력 육성

② 위탁 배경 아이들 돕기

③ "Sprout & Grow" 커뮤니티 프로젝트 조직

④ 아이들의 창의적 에너지 변환

⑤ 커뮤니티에 희망과 성장 심기

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