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다음 글에서 소년이 분수를 찾아가게 된 이유는 무엇인가?

In a small village, an ancient folktale told of a gigantic fountain that could cure any affliction. The story, passed down through generations, spoke of a supernatural power within the fountain's waters. One day, a young boy, afflicted with an intolerable illness, decided to chase the legend. Guided by instinct and the coherent tales of the elders, he ventured into the forest. Along his journey, he meditated on the peculiar stories he had heard, evolving his understanding of the world. Simultaneously, in the village, his family prayed for his safe return. As he reached the fountain, he was greeted by a tender scene of nature, which seemed to mow away his doubts. Groomed by tradition, yet skeptical of empirical evidence, the boy cautiously approached. To his surprise, after drinking the water, he felt a range of sensations and eventually his illness began to choke away. The folktale, once a mere story, now held new meaning for the villagers, as it had proven its power.

① 마을 전통을 유지하기 위해

② 자연과 더 가까워지기 위해

③ 자신의 병을 치유하기 위해

④ 경험적 증거를 찾기 위해

⑤ 마을 사람들의 기도에 응답하기 위해

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