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다음 글에서 엔지니어 팀이 진행한 실험의 결과로 나타난 것은 무엇인가?

In a remote colony, a bold experiment was conducted to alter the durability of building materials. The goal was to create structures that could face extreme weather without succumbing to damage. A team of engineers conceived an innovative solution that involved a unique blend of materials. To test their theory, they built a dormitory that would house a troop of soldiers. The building's durability was put to the test during a summit, where the harsh climate was known to destroy even the sturdiest structures. The results were astonishing; the dormitory withstood the conditions, prompting the engineers to weep with joy. This success led to the promotion of the new building method, which was complimented for its practicality and overall effectiveness. However, some locals, prone to superstition, found the idea absurd and shallow, unable to grasp the scientific concepts behind it.

① 내구성이 강화된 새로운 건축 재료의 개발

② 극단적인 기후에 대한 구조물의 취약성 확인

③ 식민지 지역의 경제 발전 촉진

④ 지역민들의 미신적인 태도 변화

⑤ 군인들을 위한 기숙사의 성공적인 건설

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