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지문에 따르면, Dr. Kim의 계획이 공개된 후 마을 사람들의 반응은 어떠했는가?

In a small village, Dr. Kim, a respected clinic owner, formulated a plan to tackle malnutrition, a hidden but serious problem. Her heritage was deeply rooted in Confucian principles, emphasizing community welfare over individual boasting. She vowed to create an incentive program, encouraging families to adopt healthier eating habits. Despite her neutral stance, the village's tendency to resist change compelled her to wrestle with various challenges. At the village gathering, Dr. Kim unveiled her plan under a large banner, hoping it would float into every household's consciousness. To her surprise, the plan was met with applause and support, marking a sensational retreat from traditional unhealthy practices. Dr. Kim's efforts concealed a profound sensation of hope that stained the village's future positively.

① 그녀의 계획을 비판하며 저항했다.

② 건강한 식습관을 채택하는 데 관심을 보였다.

③ 전통적인 식습관을 고수하려는 경향을 보였다.

④ 박수와 지지를 표현하며 긍정적으로 받아들였다.

⑤ 중립적인 입장을 유지하며 변화에 대해 무관심했다.

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