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다음 글에서 고고학자들이 발견한 고대 저수지에 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은 무엇인가?

In the field of archaeology, a team discovered a spacious ancient reservoir, hidden just beyond the boundary of a well-known site. The reservoir's construction did not conform to the crude methods typically associated with that era; instead, it showcased a prominent and sophisticated design. The archaeologists managed to draft a detailed map of the site, weaving through the complex network of tunnels and chambers. The discovery caused a stir in the academic community, challenging previous notions about the architectural capabilities of the time. Scientists used modern technology to diagnose the materials used, revealing a combination of molecules not previously identified in structures of that period. This tangible evidence suggested a motive for the reservoir's construction beyond mere water storage. The team had to adapt their methods to the site's rigid conditions, supplementing traditional techniques with advanced equipment. The reservoir's velocity of water flow and its capacity for storage left the archaeologists in dismay, as it defied their expectations. The discovery opened new possibilities in understanding the ancient civilization's adaptive strategies.

① 당시의 건축 방식에 엄격하게 따른 것

② 전통적인 고고학적 방법만으로 발견된 것

③ 예상을 뛰어넘는 정교함과 발전된 기능을 가진 것

④ 단순한 물 저장 목적으로만 사용된 것

⑤ 고대 문명의 건축 능력에 대한 기존의 개념을 확인한 것

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