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다음 글에서 에밀리의 연구에 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Sophomore linguistics student, Emily, always had a knack for deciphering scripts and understanding languages. She decided to undertake a unique project to explore the linguistic patterns of various indigenous tribes. Her study led her to a remote village, where she flourished in the vibrant culture and the warmth of the people. Emily laid the foundation for her research by discussing the dialect with the elders and recording their conversations. She noticed a unique linguistic phenomenon: the use of a particular sound signified different meanings based on its tone and context. Emily's thorough analysis of these patterns became a significant pillar of her research. Her siblings, who were under surveillance for a documentary on linguistic diversity, captured her journey. The project reminded Emily of her childhood illusion of becoming a language detective, and this experience only fed her passion more. The village, damp from the recent rains, seemed to explode with life and color, further inspiring her work.

① 어릴 적부터 언어 탐정이 되고 싶었던 에밀리는 원주민 부족의 언어를 연구했다.

② 에밀리는 어르신들과의 대화를 녹음하여 방언의 의미를 분석했다.

③ 에밀리의 형제들은 언어학 다양성에 관한 다큐멘터리를 제작했다.

④ 마을 사람들의 따뜻함과 문화에 매료된 에밀리는 그곳에서 번창했다.

⑤ 에밀리는 특정 소리의 음조와 문맥에 따라 다른 의미를 나타내는 현상을 발견했다.

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