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다음 글에서 국제 위생 엑스포 주최자들이 취한 대응 전략으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The upcoming International Hygiene Expo, located in the heart of London, has become a topic of controversy due to its allocation of space to companies known to contaminate the environment with carbon emissions. Environmental activists have enlisted the support of local communities to protest this decision, regarding it as a betrayal of the Expo's commitment to sustainable practices. The event, usually characterized by a gorgeous array of eco-friendly innovations, is now overshadowed by the external pressures of public opinion. In response, the Expo organizers have imprisoned a new strategy to bounce back: showcasing herds of livestock that have been raised in carbon-neutral environments. This initiative aims to trace the pulse of the latest trends in environmental hygiene, while also acknowledging the need for convenience in sustainable practices. Critics, however, regard this as mere flattery towards the public, urging a more humble and genuine approach to addressing environmental issues.

① 런던 중심부에 엑스포를 위치시키는 것

② 환경을 오염시키는 기업에 공간을 할당하는 것

③ 탄소 중립 환경에서 기른 가축 떼를 전시하는 것

④ 대중의 아첨을 위해 환경 문제를 무시하는 것

⑤ 환경 운동가들의 항의에 굴복하여 결정을 철회하는 것

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