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다음 글에서 페루 고원에서 열린 경매의 주된 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

In the highlands of Peru, an exotic auction was held to accommodate a project aimed at preserving the indigenous shrubs abundant in that region. The auction featured items that blended traditional craftsmanship with modern design, drawing in collectors from around the world. Among the items was a cozy, hand-woven blanket that depicted scenes of ancient warriors, which quickly became the highlight of the event. However, an unexpected outbreak of a rare plant disease threatened to spoil the auction's success. The disease caused the indigenous shrubs to swell and then vanish, leaving grief in the hearts of the locals. At an altitude where these shrubs were integral to the ecosystem, this was a significant loss. To combat the crisis, a renowned botanist recommended a blend of traditional and scientific methods to treat the affected areas. The community's swift response turned the tide, ensuring the survival of these plants. The auction, initially overshadowed by the outbreak, ended on a high note with the sale of the blanket, which served as a symbol of resilience and hope.

① 전통 장인정신과 현대 디자인의 혼합을 선보이기 위함

② 드문 식물 질병의 해결책을 찾기 위함

③ 전 세계 수집가들을 끌어들이기 위함

④ 원주민 관목의 보존을 위한 프로젝트 지원

⑤ 고대 전사들을 묘사한 아늑한 담요의 판매

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