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다음 글에서 에밀리 라슨 박사가 핵 산업에서 해결하고자 한 주된 문제는 무엇인가?

In 1975, Dr. Emily Larson, a pioneer in radioactive waste management, addressed a packed auditorium at the International Conference on Sustainable Energy. She asserted that the buildup of radioactive waste was an inevitable consequence of nuclear energy use, but also emphasized the need for rational and discreet management practices. Larson's innovative approach involved maximizing the use of existing machinery to safely retain and process the waste, minimizing environmental impact. Her work was a response to the long-neglected issue of waste disposal in the nuclear industry. The feedback from her peers was largely positive, acknowledging her efforts to pioneer a safer and more sustainable future. However, Larson knew that her recommendations required significant sacrifice and would linger as a topic of debate. She reminded the audience that while undoing past neglect was challenging, it was essential to secure a safer future. Larson's speech was a turning point, inspiring many to obsess over sustainable practices and rationalize the inevitable challenges of nuclear energy.

① 방사성 폐기물의 불가피한 축적

② 핵 에너지 사용의 환경적 영향

③ 오래 무시된 폐기물 처리 문제

④ 동료들로부터의 긍정적인 피드백 확보

⑤ 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 글로벌 논쟁의 해결

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