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다음 글에서 제인 톰슨이 강조한 도시 확장의 주요 영향은 무엇인가?

At a recent environmental conference in a metropolitan city, renowned attorney and ecology advocate Jane Thompson delivered a speech on the predominant impact of urban expansion on wildlife habitats. She asserted that the expansion was not only impairing the natural ecology but also inducing changes in animal behavior. Thompson used the metaphor of a city as a plow, relentlessly pushing into the margins of nature. Her fluent delivery shed light on how urbanization can expel wildlife from their habitats and impair ecological balance. Thompson also discussed heredity and how it could be affected by environmental changes, emphasizing the need for more responsible urban planning and better sanitation standards. The speech concluded with a call for cities to act as shields for nature, prolonging its beauty and diversity, rather than as forces of destruction. Her message resonated deeply with the audience, highlighting the need for a balance between urban growth and ecological preservation.

① 야생 서식지의 증가

② 도시 지역의 위생 기준 개선

③ 도시의 가장자리로의 무자비한 확장

④ 자연 생태의 손상과 동물 행동의 변화

⑤ 도시 계획의 책임감 있는 접근 방식

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