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다음 글에서 아스트로빌 시의 천문학 기술 전문 회사의 주요 활동은 무엇인가?

In the city of Astroville, a firm specializing in astronomy technology, announced a groundbreaking project that increased access to astronomy for the disabled. Led by Dr. Sarah Jennings, a confident and innovative astronomer, the project concentrated on developing a telescope with adaptive features. These features allowed individuals with various disabilities to explore the stars, something they lacked before due to physical limitations. Dr. Jennings emphasized the importance of inclusivity in scientific discovery, stating that the firm's mission was to permit everyone, regardless of ability, to delight in the wonders of the universe. The response to this initiative was overwhelmingly positive, gradually changing how people perceived astronomy and its accessibility. This project not only varied the way astronomy was experienced but also shed a new light on the potential of technology to overcome barriers and expand possibilities.

① 천문학 기술 개발

② 장애인을 위한 망원경 개발

③ 천문학 접근성 증진

④ 과학 발견의 포용성 강조

⑤ 천문학 경험의 변화 촉진

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