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다음 글에서 에밀리가 수행한 주된 연구 활동은 무엇인가?

In the beloved city of Harmonia, where skyscrapers touched the sky and streets were a spectacle of vibrant life, lived a young scientist named Emily. Her hypothesis about the migration patterns of birds near the fortress-like structures led her to inquire about the impact of urban development on wildlife. One day, while using a spade to collect soil samples near the reeds, she found a mole with an unusual mark. This discovery was a cue for her to explore further. Emily simulated the birds' environment in her lab, integrating advanced technology with natural elements. She affirmed that urban structures could coexist with nature if designed thoughtfully. Her research sparked a surplus of interest in eco-friendly city planning and led to the implementation of green tariffs, reducing the ecological vacuum created by urban sprawl. Emily's work was a yeast that transformed Harmonia into an eco-conscious metropolis, lasting for generations to come.

① 갈대 근처에서 삽을 사용해 흙 시료를 채취하기

② 도시 확장으로 인한 생태계 진공을 줄이는 녹색 관세 도입

③ 새들의 이동 패턴과 도시 개발의 영향 조사하기

④ 요새 같은 건축물 근처에서 새들의 이동 패턴에 대한 가설 세우기

⑤ 특이한 점이 있는 사마귀 발견하기

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