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다음 글에서 복제된 티라노사우루스 렉스에 관한 연구가 과학계에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지 가장 적절하게 설명한 것은?

In a groundbreaking study, scientists successfully cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex, revealing a startling mutation that corresponded with ancient prophecies. This T-rex, unlike its ferocious ancestors, displayed inborn traits of docility and an odd inclination to form attachments, challenging the bias against cloned creatures being exact replicas of the original. The researchers, overcoming the divide between historical beliefs and scientific evidence, observed the cloned T-rex's tendency to cling to its caretakers, a behavior never recorded in natural T-rexes. The mutation not only eased the fatigue of the team, wary of handling a tyrant, but also prompted a significant overlap in the fields of genetics and archaeology. As the T-rex tread carefully in its enclosure, scientists peeled back layers of history, uncovering secrets obscured for millennia. This discovery led to the fund for more research on genetic mutations and their unforeseen impacts, potentially paving the way for advances in medicine and vaccines. However, the odd nature of this clone raises questions about the unpredictable outcomes of such scientific endeavors.

① 복제된 티렉스의 이상한 성질이 과학적 노력의 예측 불가능한 결과를 보여준다.

② 티렉스의 복제는 유전학과 고고학 분야에서의 중요한 중복을 불러일으켰다.

③ 복제된 티렉스의 타고난 온순함이 과학자들의 피로를 진정시켰다.

④ 복제 과정에서 발견된 티렉스의 돌연변이는 고대 예언과 일치한다.

⑤ 복제된 티렉스의 관리자에게 달라붙는 경향은 자연 상태의 티렉스에서는 결코 기록된 적이 없다.

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