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다음 글에서 레오가 마을 사람들에게 호소한 주된 이유는 무엇인가?

In the small town of Eldoria, a keen young inventor named Leo became known for his intriguing experiments with vertical flour mills. His reputation grew as he manipulated the wind's energy to aid in grinding grains more efficiently. One day, while experimenting with a new garment for mill workers, he enclosed a bundle of measurements and intuitive designs in an envelope, intending to interchange ideas with other inventors. However, his plans were constricted by the town's traditionalists, who restrained any spontaneous innovation. In response, Leo inserted a plea for support in the local newspaper, appealing to the town's patriots to not let old customs originate restrictions on new ideas. His efforts to manipulate public opinion were successful, and Eldoria soon became a hub for inventive minds, where constraints on creativity were lifted, and new ideas flourished.

① 밀가루 밀의 효율을 높이기 위해

② 밀 작업자들을 위한 새로운 의복을 실험하기 위해

③ 자신의 실험을 다른 발명가들과 교환하기 위해

④ 전통주의자들의 제한에 대항하기 위해

⑤ 자신의 발명품의 명성을 높이기 위해

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