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다음 글에서 마커스가 회사의 문제를 해결하기 위해 취한 주된 조치는 무엇인가?

In the bustling city of Newhaven, a renowned executive named Marcus faced a transition in his life. His company was in chaos due to numerous ongoing projects and a vulnerable market. Walking down an alley one chilly evening, Marcus shivered, feeling the weight of his responsibilities. He stopped to look through his belongings, finding a broken microscope, a symbol of his innate curiosity and ingenuity. This moment compelled him to improvise a new strategy. He realized that his company's mobility in the market was being retarded by its traditional approach. To attain success, Marcus decided to embrace the implications of change, inclining towards more authentic and innovative methods. His decision marked a significant shift in how the company operated, demonstrating that sometimes, the most profound solutions are born from moments of quiet reflection and an openness to improvise.

① 전통적인 접근법을 유지하기

② 새로운 현미경을 구매하기

③ 골목길을 걸으며 성찰하기

④ 변화의 함축을 받아들이고 혁신적인 방법을 택하기

⑤ 책임감의 무게를 경감시키기

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