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다음 글에서 Dr. Emily Park가 마주한 주된 어려움은 무엇인가?

Dr. Emily Park, a capable geneticist, was frustrated when her research on gene therapy to cure rare diseases was threatened by a lack of funding. To combat this, she combined her scientific knowledge with her interest in commerce and launched a startup to manufacture gene therapy treatments. Her movement gained pressure as she worked tirelessly, but a flood in her laboratory accompanied by a significant loss of equipment and research data became a new challenge. Emily didn't let this frustrate her; instead, she apologized to her team for the unforeseen setback and entertained new strategies. Predicting a high quantity of success, she reconstructed her lab and continued her mission, becoming an inspiration to many who admired her resilience in the face of adversity.

① 연구에 필요한 자금 부족

② 실험실 홍수로 인한 장비 손실

③ 유전자 치료에 대한 지식 부족

④ 스타트업 운영의 압력

⑤ 연구 데이터의 예측 불가능성

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