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다음 글에서 리버타운의 사람들이 Joe에게 제공한 주된 지원은 무엇인가?

In the small town of Rivertown, local carpenter Joe had a reputation for his resilience in the face of adversity. His latest project involved using timber to build a community center. However, as he began to cast the foundation, he encountered a blunt contradiction: the timber supplier had falsified the quality of the wood. Feeling tense, Joe decided to amplify this issue by collaborating with his acquaintances in the town. During a town meeting, a psychic passerby, who had been paddling nearby, burst into the room and affirmed that Joe's intuition was correct. The town decided to afford Joe the support he needed, and together they sprinted towards a solution. In a burst of collective effort, they replaced the timber and completed the community center. The incident blew new life into Rivertown, demonstrating the power of community and the importance of standing up for what's right.

① 목재 교체

② 목재 공급업자와의 협상

③ 커뮤니티 센터 건축에 대한 조언

④ 회의 중에 발언할 기회 제공

⑤ 정신적인 지지와 격려

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