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다음 글에서 헬레나 포스터 박사와 그녀의 팀이 직면한 주된 문제는 무엇인가?

In the prestigious marine biology institute of Coral Bay, Dr. Helena Foster, known for her vast knowledge and maternal approach, led a team to examine the proliferation of a new species in the latitude near the reef. The team, equipped with specialized outfits and underwater patches for monitoring, faced friction due to differing opinions on how to handle the situation. Dr. Foster evoked a sense of autonomy among her team, encouraging them to amend their methods based on preliminary findings. Meanwhile, local folklore about the reef's guardians burdened the researchers with expectations of respecting the marine life, rather than exploiting it. This respect became integral as they mourned the theft of coral by illegal divers. To prevent further damage, Dr. Foster collaborated with the local pharmacy to develop non-invasive techniques for studying marine life. Her work not only protected the reef but also celebrated the recess of nature, showing how scientific exploration and cultural reverence can coexist.

① 새로운 종의 증식 연구

② 다양한 의견으로 인한 팀 내 마찰

③ 불법 다이버들에 의한 산호 도난

④ 지역 민속과의 갈등

⑤ 비침습적 연구 기술 개발

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