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다음 글에서 제인 에드워즈 박사의 연구가 직면한 주된 어려움은 무엇인가?

In the imperial city of Valoria, a renowned primatologist, Dr. Jane Edwards, embarked on a venture to study the adorable, yet sturdy, primates inhabiting the remote meadows. Her determination was equivalent to her passion for wildlife conservation. Despite being complacent in her previous accomplishments, Jane felt an explicit urge to indulge in this new challenge. The duration of her study was uncertain, yet she managed to maintain her composure throughout. Her patrons, impressed by her frugal yet effective approach, continued to support her research. Jane's observations manifested a parallel between the primates' social structures and human societies. However, she had to endure the harsh realities of incurable diseases affecting these animals. This experience not only deflected her from complacent attitudes but also inspired her to advocate more vigorously for environmental protection.

① 연구 자금의 부족

② 연구 기간의 불확실성

③ 영장류에게 영향을 미치는 불치병

④ 영장류의 사회 구조 연구

⑤ 환경 보호에 대한 옹호의 필요성

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