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다음 글에서 바이런 경이 직면한 가장 큰 위협은 무엇인가?

In the ancient city of Tarsus, an aristocrat named Lord Byron dedicated his life to the study of humanity's history. His mansion comprised a vast library filled with statistical data on various civilizations and their warfare tactics. One day, while examining a medieval textile, he stumbled upon a hidden compartment revealing a sarcastic note, mocking his clumsy quest for knowledge. This note was a stimulus for Byron, provoking him to delve deeper into the mysteries of history. His subsequent discoveries included ancient artifacts that approximated the age of the terrain. However, lurking beneath this scholarly pursuit was a mortal threat. Unbeknownst to him, his spouse, seeking revenge for years of neglect, had been planning to turn his beloved library into rubbish. As Byron rejoiced in his findings, he remained unaware of the toll his obsession would soon take on his personal life.

① 중세 직물의 발견

② 고대 유물들에 대한 연구

③ 풍자적인 쪽지의 발견

④ 그의 배우자에 의한 도서관 파괴 계획

⑤ 인류 역사 연구에 대한 비판

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