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다음 글에서 과학자 팀이 연구 중 직면한 주된 문제는 무엇인가?

In the secluded region of Eldergrove, a team of scientists established an apparatus to study the predator behavior on the forest frontier. Their collective efforts aimed to condense countless observations into a comprehensive report. Dr. Lena, a prominent disciple in this field, led the research with poise and determination. The scope of their study was not only compatible with the local wildlife conservation goals but also relevant to global environmental issues. One evening, a sudden gust of wind and hail disrupted their equipment, causing an unexpected drain on their resources. Despite this setback, the team remained steadfast, refusing to stall their progress. In an outburst of creativity, they improvised new methods to continue their work. The verdict of their endeavors was a groundbreaking discovery, which they proudly posted on the border of the research facility, withholding nothing from the public eye.

① 장비의 갑작스러운 파손

② 연구 자원의 예상치 못한 소모

③ 새로운 방법 개발의 필요성

④ 포식자 행동에 대한 연구 범위의 제한

⑤ 지역 야생동물 보존 목표와의 불일치

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