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제인 리가 마을에서 시작한 캠페인의 주요 목적은 무엇인가?

Jane Lee, a resident engineer in a small town, became a local personality due to her incredible efforts to introduce electronic waste recycling. She analyzed the town's waste management system and concluded that a large quantity of electronic items were being improperly disposed of. Jane attempted to change this by launching an educational campaign, featuring instructions on how to properly recycle electronics. She also donated her own time and labor to help residents sort their waste, enabling a more efficient recycling process. Her initiative not only absorbed the interest of the community but also brought an advantage in reducing environmental impact. Jane's struggle to introduce variety in waste management and her personal dedication indicated a new era in the town's approach to sustainability.

① 전자 폐기물의 효율적인 재활용 방법 교육

② 마을의 폐기물 관리 시스템 재분석

③ 개인적인 명성과 인기 증가

④ 환경 영향 감소를 위한 새로운 규정 도입

⑤ 마을 거주자들의 노동력 활용 증대

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