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다음 글에서 존슨 시장의 주된 목표는 무엇인가?

In the bustling city of Metropolia, Mayor Johnson faced a dilemma. The city's nursery system was outdated and causing distress among working parents. Despite the outrage from the community, some officials didn't bother to address the issue, rendering the situation static. Johnson knew that upgrading the nurseries was indispensable for the city's future. He decided to juggle various tasks, seeking firsthand information and solutions. During a discourse on urban development, he counteracted criticism by highlighting the retention of traditional values while embracing innovation. This approach sustained public interest and persuaded the city council to allocate funds to modernize the nurseries. Johnson's efforts to resolve the city's childcare crisis not only countered obesity and other health issues among children but also reduced the vanity of outdated policies, proving that action, not perspiration or empty promises, brings about real change.

① 시민들의 관심 유지

② 구식 정책의 허영심 줄이기

③ 탁아소 시스템의 현대화

④ 전통적 가치의 보존

⑤ 어린이들의 건강 문제 해결

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