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다음 글에서 벨포트 도시의 도시 의회가 취한 주된 조치는 무엇인가?

In the dynamic city of Bellport, Mayor Thompson was appointed to spearhead a new urban development scheme. The project was a deviation from the traditional city layout, aiming to create a brisk, environmentally friendly community. Despite some public constraints, Thompson declared the plan with enthusiasm, aspiring to dissolve the city's traffic congestion. However, his scheme was met with skepticism; critics whispered that Thompson was deluded by his own ambitions, unable to discern the practical difficulties. In a unanimous decision, the city council decided to weigh the potential risks and benefits thoroughly. This decision spurred a thorough metabolism of ideas, leading to significant modifications. Meanwhile, Thompson, feeling like an exile in his own city, refused to fling his vision away. He continued to itch for progress, undeterred by the publicity of opposition.

① 톰슨 시장의 계획에 대한 지지

② 교통 혼잡 해소를 위한 노력

③ 잠재적인 위험과 이익의 철저한 평가

④ 환경 친화적인 커뮤니티 구축

⑤ 신진대사를 촉발시키는 아이디어 수정

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