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다음 글에서 로라 에반스 박사가 해결하기 위해 노력한 주된 문제는 무엇인가?

In the bustling city of Newhaven, an eloquent historian, Dr. Laura Evans, was appointed to lead an excavation of prehistoric artifacts. Her team discovered a skull in the innermost chamber of an ancient cave, along with other relics. This find was a staple evidence in proclaiming the existence of an early civilization in the region. However, the use of hazardous chemicals, including detergents, to clean the artifacts caused a rash among the team members. Dr. Evans decided to bypass traditional cleaning methods and sought more environmentally friendly alternatives. She feared alienating her subordinates with brutal work conditions. Meanwhile, her predecessor had dispersed rumors about her inability to manage the project effectively. Determined to dispense these misconceptions, Dr. Evans furnished her team with the necessary protection and dimensions of safety, ensuring that their work did not harm them or the artifacts. Her approach not only safeguarded her team but also enhanced the dispersal of knowledge about the ancient civilization.

① 선사 시대 유물의 발굴

② 환경 친화적인 청소 방법의 탐색

③ 팀 구성원들 사이의 발진 문제

④ 고대 문명에 대한 지식의 확산

⑤ 프로젝트 관리 능력에 대한 소문

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