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다음 글에서 에밀리 하그로브 박사가 직면한 주된 도전은 무엇인가?

In the cosmopolitan city of Atlas, renowned scientist Dr. Emily Hargrove embarked on a mission to study the auditory capabilities of various reptiles. Her antagonist in this field, Dr. Lucas, equated her work to misplacing effort on trivial matters. However, Emily's research revealed multiple layers of auditory refraction unique to each species, a feat that propelled the understanding of reptilian biology to new heights. One dusk, while detaching a sensor from a particularly elusive reptile, Emily felt a deep sense of connection with these creatures, embedding her creed of relentless pursuit of knowledge. Despite erosion of support from traditional scientific communities, Emily's inference about the complexity of reptilian hearing was eventually accepted. Her work, initially seen as secondhand to Dr. Lucas’s, became a cornerstone in the field. Emily’s dedication not only thrust her to the forefront of her discipline but also proved that diverse perspectives can illuminate previously unseen dimensions of science.

① 파충류의 청각 능력 연구

② 과학 커뮤니티의 지지 침식

③ 루카스 박사와의 경쟁

④ 연구의 새로운 차원 발견

⑤ 다양한 과학적 관점의 중요성 증명

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