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다음 글에서 마크 달튼이 조사하는 동안 직면한 주된 위험은 무엇인가?

At the outset of his investigation into the city's landfill crisis, journalist Mark Dalton encountered numerous pitfalls. The landfill, once a productive site, had become a peril to the surrounding community due to reckless waste management. Mark's attempt to penetrate the layers of corruption was met with rage from notable figures liable for the crisis. As he delved deeper, he uncovered synthetic materials that failed to degrade, intruding into the radius of the residents' lives. His findings also revealed a hybrid problem: the illegal dumping of hazardous waste. Amidst grumbles of denial from city officials, Mark remained resolute. His detailed scrutiny exposed the insane levels of pollution, prompting a public outcry. The case took a dramatic turn when Mark was kidnapped, an attempt to intimidate him into silence. However, his relentless pursuit of truth ultimately led to policy changes, making the city a safer place for its inhabitants and their limbs.

① 쓰레기 매립지의 오염

② 부패한 공무원들의 격노

③ 위험한 폐기물의 불법 투기

④ 납치 시도

⑤ 시민들의 생활에 대한 침해

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